Friends of Hue Foundation has organized a task force of dedicated volunteers to support local healthcare workers by procuring and directly delivering protective gears to them. 7200 N95 masks, 4000+ surgical masks, 2300 bottles of hand sanitizers, 26000 gloves, and 1500+ cotton masks have been donated to many Bay Area hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics. We handmade and distributed 2000 mask shields and sent 42 medical aerosol boxes to various hospitals and clinics. To request Medical Supplies, submit a medical supply request online.
Homeless safety supplies support
Our volunteers have distributed 2000 surgical masks and 2500 bottles of hand sanitizers to the San Jose homeless community.

COVID-19 Related Support and donations received
More than 50 people have volunteered their time to virtually meet, coordinate, outreach to the community, gather supplies, and deliver supplies. Thank you everyone for your continued support. Many individuals, businesses and organizations have donated over $35,000 towards our Covid-19 response efforts. The following items have also been donated: N95 masks, surgical masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, cotton masks, surgical gowns, goggles, tools, fabric, food, and so much more.

COVID-19 Response: How you can help
Contact us at [email protected] to volunteer your time or donate supplies or money. Ways to make donations:
- Credit Card via Giving Fuel.
- Paypal account [email protected]
- Venmo account @friendsofhue-admin
- Food and Supplies
- Cash/Check/Stock
You may designate how your monetary donations should be allocated, such as towards face shields, medical aerosol boxes ($125/box), food and general funds. Donations are tax-deductible.
COVID-19 Bay Area Community Resources
Learn about additional Bay Area COVID-19 resources.
Please follow us on Emergency Community Support Team Facebook Page
For Help with Rent, contact Sacred Heart Community Service.
Read more about the Eviction Moratorium information
For our youngest residents, schools across the County are setting up their own food distribution systems for low-income families whose children depend on the lunch or breakfast they get from the cafeteria.
For older adults seeking prepared meals, Santa Clara County’s Senior Nutrition Program continues to serve adults over 60, disabled adults that live with older adults, and the spouses of people that are 60 and over. This program now follows a take-out model at most locations, while a handful of locations have temporarily closed to encourage seniors to shelter at home.
For low-income households in need of groceries, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley offers a toll-free hotline that helps people in need of food find resources in their neighborhood. Individuals can call 800-984-3663 or text GETFOOD to 408-455-5181 to request assistance.
Silicon Valley Strong also offers a free curb-side food pick-up program for adults over 60 years old. Residents in quarantine, as well as older adults and persons with disabilities or health conditions who need support can call the The Health Trust at 408-961-9870 or email the Meals on Wheels program at [email protected]. Private sector businesses who have a specific desire to help with food supply and delivery can contact: [email protected].

Thank you to our medical workers!
Những điều nên biết để thi hành
Xin giúp chúng tôi trong lúc này để có thể lo cho những người rất cần sự giúp đỡ như y tá, bác sĩ, các lão niên neo đơn, những người bệnh hoặc các gia đình khó khăn có con nhỏ. Chúng tôi cần tiền mặt hoặc các vật sau: khẩu trang N-95 hoặc loại dùng trong ca mổ, áo khoác mổ, kem khử trùng, gạo, nước mắm, mì gói, sữa hộp trẻ em, sữa cho nguời già, tã cho người già, v.v. Những đóng góp của quý vị sẽ được công nhận để có thể được miễn thuế. Nếu có thể cho vật dụng, xin gửi email đến [email protected] hoặc gọi chúng tôi ở số 1-408-755-5189. Chân thành cảm tạ.