If you need rental assistance and advise on tenant and landlord rights relating to eviction, please contact us at 1-800-522-8412. We are here to help.
For the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have relief programs to deliver food to senior and low-income residents who lack accessibility. To date, we have helped distribute over $60K in financial aid to San José residents who have experienced economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and continue to provide assistance for housing, unemployment, and small business loan applications.
Friends of Hue has worked with homeless agencies and local restaurants to provide survival kits and meals to the homeless population. In response to the outcry of healthcare workers in need, we gathered and donated over 40,000 essential PPEs and hand sanitizers to hospitals, health clinics and nursing homes.
Friends of Hue has been hard at work to help alleviate the distress that our community has had to endure through the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of our projects have included:
- Distribution of personal protective equipment to our medical workers and our homeless neighbors.
- Distribution of food to families and to our seniors.
- Cash assistance for community members who have suffered financial hardship due to the pandemic.
- Census work and community announcements.
- Pro bono legal assistance.
- Public health announcements through zoom webinars and social media channels
Community Emergency Response Training
In December 2020, we were honored to receive the Supervisor’s Medal for our community service during COVID-19. Your support made this possible, and we thank you!