A significant number of elderly women are living in poverty in Huế and the surrounding vicinities, with practically no support. They lack the means to cover for even their basic needs. FHF initiated the Mệ Program with the intent to alleviate this social problem. (“Mệ” is an honorific commonly used in Huế to address older women). We dispatched personnel to conduct a survey on the issue and identify cases that are most alarming, requiring immediate attention.
As of today, FHF served 61 Mệ in Huế and its vicinities.
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the flood season, staff and children at FHF provided food and other necessities to help the elders overcome the difficult period.
FHF also sends monthly or quarterly living allowances to 61 elderly women to help with their daily needs.
Every month, the children from the shelter and FHF staff visit the elderly’s houses to help in any way they can. For the elders who cannot take care of themselves, FHF hire caregivers, and the children bring them meals every day, wash their clothes, clean their houses.
We also provided medical equipment, with a total of 21 potty chairs, 10 walkers, and 10 sticks.
Build Toilets for Mệ
In 2020 FHF launched the “Build Toilets for Mệ” project. Many Mệ lived without plumbing, not being able to afford the costs of building their own toilets. Our project was to identify where to address this crucial need. We have built 12 toilets to date for 12 extremely grateful Mệ. They had never imagined owning such “luxury item” before participating in the program.