Financial Assistance

A compilation of services provided by agencies and organizations through financial assistance or guidance to where those in need could get cash assistance, rental, food, and other financial aid.


Community Services Agency

204 Stierlin Rd
Mountain View, CA – 94043
Contact No. (650) 968-0836

Community Services Agency safety net includes:

Emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities, prescriptive medication, dental care and eye exams. Back-to-School distribution of backpacks, school supplies and shoe vouchers.

Holiday Sharing opportunities with food, clothing and toy distributions. Fee waivers for Mountain View Park & Recreation programs

Their office is available
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:30 – 4:00 PM to assist you.
Or Call: (650) 968-0836

LifeMoves Mountain View

2566 Leghorn St.,
Mountain View, CA 94043

LifeMoves Mountain View provides supportive interim housing and wraparound services to families, couples, and individuals experiencing homelessness.

For more information, please drop by at 2566 Leghorn St., Mountain View, CA 94043


Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos

204 Stierlin Road
Mountain View, CA 94043

Provides Emergency Assistance including food, rent assistance, utility payments and shelter for people in need. Transitional Housing is also available for graduates of the Alpha Omega Shelter Program. Provides short-term, non-medical in-home support for seniors age 60 or over.

Audience: Elderly, low-income individuals and families, homeless
Eligibility: Vary according to service. Emergency assistance requires proof of residency, verification of income and proof of child’s date of birth
How to Apply: Walk in or apply by phone.


3490 The Alameda, Santa Clara,
CA 95050, United States

RAPID REHOUSING PROGRAM – helps individuals and families avoid homelessness and helps those experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized using the Housing First approach. Rapid Re-housing funds can provide for a variety of assistance, including: short-term or medium-term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services including: mediation, credit counseling, security or utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and case management.

SAFETY NET SHELTER – provides short-term shelter for homeless and runaway youth ages 12-18. shelter operates 24/7 with staff onsite to serve our youth.

Contact number (408) 278-2552 BWC’s intervention assistance is offered without preconditions — like employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety — and the resources and services provided are tailored to the unique needs of the household.

Bill Wilson Center’s Safety Net Shelter serves youth ages 12-18. PReach out to Bill Wilson Center at (408) 243-0222 and ask for an Intake Counselor.


YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley – Linda Haskell Empowerment Center

375 S 3rd St, San Jose,
CA 95112, United States

HOUSING SUPPORT to provide solutions for survivors facing homelessness by providing rapid re-housing services for women, children and families and ensuring pathways from shelter to stability.

YWCA Golden Gate Silicon Valley’s Housing Department is part of the Santa Clara County Continuum of Care and accepts referrals through the County’s confidential coordinated system. For more information on our housing services and how to enroll, speak with your YWCA advocate or contact our support line at (800) 572-2782

Santa Clara County Social Services Agency

333 W Julian
San Jose, CA – 95110

Parents and Children CalWORKs is a welfare program that gives cash aid and services to eligible needy California families. If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help. Families that apply and qualify for ongoing assistance receive money each month to help pay for housing, food and other necessary expenses.

Visit your local county CalWORKs office to apply for assistance. Mon-Fri (8:00AM – 5:00PM) (408) 755-7100